Photobucket Orang ination: Lasalle SIA Collage of the Arts

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Lasalle SIA Collage of the Arts

HI people~

As for those who doesn't know...I'm at this time in life doing nothing but SLACKING
@home.Some of you mayBE thinking..'WA good life'.
IT is, but it is like...feeling useless man!.
I can be doing or learning something besides "melting" at home right?
"but why aren't you finding a JOB?!?"
BEcos I'm waiting for the church DFO(i dunno what it stands for) to contact me for the job I'm getting. I'm doing/helping out to do maintenance and run errands for either
Bro Keng Hoe or Bro Raj.

THINGS I DID TODAY!(as of just now):-

I went to check out on my future school(s)"haha" which looks Kool, feels cool and make me wanna be COOL cos it looks kinda cool man~ Not confirm I'm getting in..but I WANT TO!!!not becos I wanna escape ARMY but i wanna further my knowledge and creativity =) (=

ANYWAY...I went to......

...Lasalle SIA Collage of the Arts's a NICE place to STUDY..haha

So benedict was there waiting for me around 4+. Followed me to the admin side to ask for the ?what are the Requirements? to get into the sChOOL as he's studying over there...can you image I've to DO 10/TEN/shiKER pieces of art as my portfolio..phwoo..and I HAVEN even STARTed...I better start soon man.

After that ben and I went over to

YEA..I ate this big DUDE here..their mushroom burger..whoo..(look at the beef&mushroom) Ben ate the Super star burger which looks equally as good..We sat there for quite some time as he taught me a bit on Music theory..kinda cheem~ Left there when the clock struck 18:45!(peak hour)..everyone say:"sianss"

Then after, went down to bedok to meet up with my pals, Jin, BENjamin, and Xian for dinner again??yea..ate a bit more of: wings, bit of some "drain-caught" stingray~ and drunk Lime jo I mean juice. After that, left for bus10 down to Jin hse to stay-over. I guess I don't really connect to them as how much I do in the past..hmm..(sad)..As in you can see the difference between church pals v/s pals"who aren't coming to church". Yea know what I mean, but still..gotta get THEM SAVE MAN!!!arrgh..I LOVE..Jesus =)

BYE...tooo SLEEep I'll go->>



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